Friday, February 15, 2013

20 - One Insect At a Time

My apologies for the short post.  I'm going to do more this weekend to make up for it.  This moving business... isn't going very quickly.

In Prime’s country a hollow tree stood, rooted in code under the edge of a cliff’s shadow. It was a gnarled tree like two separate bodies wound one around the other, branches like hair intertwined.

It was a tree that looked as though it clung to life, roots digging deep into stone, searching for water and nutrients but in the shadow there was little sun. The hollow however, was full of life.  Bees of all shapes and sizes buzzed out of the shadow and harvested from every bloom they encountered, every blossom however small, leaves of code were trimmed and retrieved.  Energy and information flowed into the hollow tree, one insect at a time.

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