The two of them hunkered down under the edge of a
wash-out, where an upgrade patch hadn’t taken, ragged strands poking through
above their heads like grass roots. *If I hadn’t been in Milari so long, Ilax, I’d
be... upset by this landscape.*
*Because it’s
so green?*
*And because
it’s all so different. I'm used to the desert.* He motioned with his chin at the night time image, the gesture
minimal. *Trees with thin stalks and
these flickering, broad, flat, fragile things.* His fingers took one up and tore it into
shreds. *Not toxic, my fingers aren’t blistering, it didn’t try to dissolve me for
my nutrients... like the valleys in Milar.
These leaves aren’t thick and lumpy, holding every drop of water... and
the images of water everywhere. I’d
almost be afraid of drowning while I breathe.*
*And this
makes you uncomfortable? Nothing’s
trying to kill you?* Ilax’s smile carried through the words. *Some
of our people did drown in the air of home... but that was because of their
lungs not because of the water in the air.*
Kyrus peered out at the image of a moon that was nothing like the real
one. This one didn’t glitter and sparkle
in the night sky. It was almost flat
silver/grey, with dark patches on its face, like a lopsided figure. Perhaps a face, perhaps a figure carrying a
basket. To him it looked a bit like a
bush dragon mouth.
*It still
makes me uncomfortable.*
*A good place to
approach Prime’s files, then. Through his ideal memories of home. He might be less
inclined to see attacking monsters from here.*
*Yes.* Kyrus stretched cautiously, checked to see if
any of Prime’s fiery dragons were on the horizon. *He
seems to need a lot of security for someone who all the public files say is so
Ilax snorted.
*No guano. He’s defending from his
own people’s illicit programs, outside sandsheets that I have no idea what they
are to do, and we’ve seen rivers of tiny programs like oyuck eggs and peacock
snake pods.*
*People are
trying to break into his secure files all the time, if what we’ve seen holds
careful scouting. I’ll hold the line
need to get back soon. We’re running on
empty here. I’ll be quick.*
They’d been forced to go into quiescent mode a dozen
times to escape detection.
*Find what you
can, husband. We’ve got strong people
holding open our trail home.*
Kyrus leaned over and met Ilax coming to
kiss him good luck. Even in code, your mouth is thrilling. Ilax smiled and ghosted into a
mist and trailed away long the ground toward the centre of Prime’s power, the
main node.
It was a long wait, and Kyrus minimized his speed so
that his coded self was barely ticking over, both to be inconspicuous, and to
minimize the draw on the zardukar and
the zon. He folded himself into the
form of a bee, waiting, antenna flickering slightly as he passively took in
information, ready to sting or fly as the case warranted.
He almost roused once, when thunder and flares of
dragon-fire and lightning shocked the surrounding woods from darkness into a
pale, bright green. But there were only
two strikes and then it faded to a low rumble, a wave travelling through the
owner’s country like a wave under earth.
will not panic. That was probably not
Prime blowing my husband into single bits of code.*
The remembered sun was coming up behind the
too-regular mountains before Ilax oozed into the hole where Kyrus snapped awake
and gathered him in his arms. His code
was so thin it was almost transparent.
He was a fraction of himself, the owner code hanging in tatters as if something had tried to claw it open, and failed. Pale and transparent and his edges shimmered
and broke apart, but his smile was there, even though bleak and thin.
*I couldn’t
get near. I couldn’t even get close,
*What did you find?*
*There are roving eyes all around the shore. He
has a mercury lake around it. It goes
down as far as I could dig, a wall to hold that lake in place and in the middle
he has a glass mountain. A glass mountain.*
It was a full clock tick before Kyrus responded. *Fak. Fak.*
He gathered the faded ghost of Ilax in his arms and carefully stepped back
along the glowing trail home. *We knew it would be hard. Now we know how hard. Rest, husband, you’ve
done your part. I’ll get us home.*
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