Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Common Oyuck

This is an oyuck, with eggs, excrement and mouth detail. They usually don't get much bigger than softball size but they come in their thousands, on walls, ceilings, any cave-like space.  

Don't let them inside your house, which they seem to regard as a new kind of cave.  They are slippery and somewhat gooey, like a wet bar of soap.  You really, really don't want to try and squish one.  They smash and spread and their babies... in their thousands will skitter away while the parent smears all over everything.  You don't even want to ask about the smell which does not go away except with a strong acid wash to neutralize it.

The mouth grinders tend to leave round 'hickey-like' marks on human skin because they don't let go with those tentacles... and are nearly impossible to grab successfully, and you can't really pull them off, you have to usually scrape them off or heat them.