Wednesday, January 23, 2013

7 - Letter to the Sunrise Loggia

Letter to the Sunrise Loggia LIN: copy to news network:

“... should be ashamed!  Ashamed I tell you!  Your Radiance is endarkened TARNISHED.  This literacy shouldn’t be allowed to the masses.  It breaks the contracts we signed generations ago, the ones our forefathers signed with the original owners!

I don’t need to quote the original contract here, since t’was the old Radiance, may his soul rest in coolness, who posted that sacred document!  But it clearly... and I do mean clearly... CLEARLY states that we, the workers would be given a viable, sustainable piece of the planet for our, and our heirs’, livelihoods – in perpetuity -- in exchange for our sworn agreement to NOT teach our chil’ren!

Learning is anathema to anyone of tech class or below!  It is a breach of our sworn word to the foresighted and benevolent owners of the very ground beneath our feet!

Oral passage of any of our survival knowledge is good enough for our great-grandfathers however many generations removed and it is STILL good enough for me and mine!  I tell you that for this vile piece of common technology, this lin thing... a scribe is the best set of tongs one can use to not be tainted and stained with the ugliness of learning out of place!

And speaking of ugliness... let me speak of the immoral veiling of the women!  One veil in place of three!  It is bad enough that even in the past year the veiling of the women has been shockingly, shockingly reduced to a mere two veils and both those so transparent they might as well not be there at all!  If my wife were to be so wanton, so strumpetly, so as to go out in public in anything less than full formal veils I would put her aside in a moment!  My daughters would never, never be so shameless to let themselves be so exposed!

These veils are mere face veils, either so sheer they all but expose the lips and chin, or are a sham and a mockery of desert feather veils!

Don’t let me get started on the evils these naked-faced, sheep loving, Milar have brought with them!  Their women... with only face veil... riding warbirds.  Not only that but riding ASTRIDE.

Their uteri will be addled and produce nothing but men who prefer boys, those unnatural exposeri who prefer their own sex or girls!  How is Lainz to return to the correct and sane warrior culture that the Grandfather of our misguided Radiance at one point adhered to?

It’s a plot, I tell you truthfully.  It is a plot to weaken us.  It is a plot to destroy our warrior spirit and our brave desert culture that is obviously meant to rule over the lesser, weaker, more degenerate races of man.  We are trading with these disgusting foreigners, these barely more than animals, rather than subjugating them!

Radiance I implore you!  Let my words be known in your heart!  I send this openly spoken letter to every brave Lainz heart who longs for a return to what made us strong!  Veil our women!  Destroy this evil and vile lin and cease teaching this anathema of reading.  Return to our glorious wars of conquest and we will be once more whole!


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. EGADS!!! They have GOP Tea Party members!!! LOL

    1. You spotted the pundits in question! Of course they do! It wasn't going to be clear sailing for Kyrus Sr. and gang.

  3. Of course, should any like-minded souls write to the Lin Editor Datrus, to either agree with, or argue with the Luddite crowd, please do.

  4. Human nature always includes those so Neo-phobic that they disapprove of fire and upright posture.

    That is why we have popcorn.
